Double Diamond little cigars are like major brands of cigarettes | Best Mini Cigars

Double Diamond little cigars are a trademark of filtered cigars produced in Bangladesh’s Pais tobacco. These Double Diamond little cigars are predominantly natural tobacco blends with other additives. Double Diamond little cigars have similar striking similarities to regular cigarettes and are sold in packs of 20, like major brands of cigarettes. Although there are rumors that these cigars are healthier than regular cigarettes, this is thought to be because the nicotine content in double diamonds is very mild and nicotine addiction is less likely to occur if smoked in moderation.

Double Diamond little cigars are twisted on a special table and wrapped in a binder sheet. Then the cigars are placed in a special form under the press. After that, the cigar is wrapped in the smoothest and most elastic cover sheet, which gives it the final shape.
The Dominican Republic is famous not only for coffee, rum and fruit, but also for great cigars, which are rightfully considered to be among the best in the world.

The birthplace of the Dominican cigars is considered the fertile Cibao Valley. The protection from winds and storms by mountain ranges allowed creating a climate favorable for growing tobacco crops. For a long period, cigars in the Dominican Republic were produced exclusively for domestic consumption and in limited quantities, which did not contribute to the development of the industry.
The situation was radically changed by the Cuban revolution. In 1959, the world leader in cigar production introduced a state monopoly on the manufacture of all products. Industrialists who have lost their property are moving to neighboring countries. Manufacturers came to the Dominican Republic and began to actively develop the industry, which for a long time was in absolute decline. The price of Dominican cigars increased after the introduction of a trade embargo on Cuba. The United States chose Dominican Republic as the main supplier of cigars. At that time, the quality of Double Diamond little cigars increased significantly, the products were distinguished by their own character and unique taste. Double Diamond little cigars managed to quickly conquer global consumption markets, becoming one of the key players.