Carlos André little Cigars captivate with subtle, balanced compositions with a hint of noble spiciness | Best Mini Cigars

Carlos André little Cigars are the top cigars of German cigar producer Arnold André (who, among other things, makes Vasco da Gama), and are hand-rolled on Den judgment. rep. at Arnold André’s factory there. The inlay is a blend of Brazilian, Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco, the cover leaf is from the latter and the cover leaf is a delicious San Andrés from Mexico. A harmonious and balanced cigar that is very light and rich in flavor.
The cover sheet is a Connecticut seed from Ecuador, the cover sheet is a Java Besuki. The inlay is an exquisite mix of Brazilian Mata Fina, Dominican tobacco, Java, Burley and Sumatra.

The Carlos André little Cigars captivate with subtle, balanced compositions with a hint of noble spiciness and unobtrusive delicate sweet notes.
The Carlos André little Cigars consist of 100% Tobacco and are characterized by a particularly high quality.
These Carlos André little Cigars have a Java Besuki wrapper, the insert is made from Brazil, Java and Sumatra tobaccos and the end is a cover sheet from Ecuador.
The cigarillo is based on a slightly different tobacco blend than Arnold Andre’s already available cigars. The cover sheet is also a Connecticut seed from Ecuador, but the cover sheet is a Java Besuki. The inlay is a mixture of Brasil Mata Fina, Java and Sumatra tobacco and an Olor from the Dominican Republic.

In 1851 Arnold André settled in Bünde. Back then as a branch of the Gebr. André Tabakfabrik company in Osnabrück, which had already been founded there in 1817. The Arnold André company then continuously developed into one of the most important companies in the cigar production in the region. The breakthrough to a company of national importance, however, was only achieved in the 1950s and 1960s. With the very personal naming, the Andre family stands for the handmade unique pieces behind the product. The Carlos André little Cigars series is only hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic and is very carefully manufactured.