J. Cortes little cigars are the only cigarillos from the “Dominican” series. They are 8.5 centimeters long with a diameter of 7.8mm. Very gentle and light cigars with a smoking time of 5-10 minutes.
The Vandermaliere family has been producing cigars and J. Cortes little cigars in Belgium since 1926, which are sold under the name J. Cortes and are not only popular with connoisseurs. Since the start of production, which is mainly done by machine, the family has placed great value on first-class goods. Because only selected and high-quality tobacco varieties, primarily from the growing regions of Java, Brazil and the Dominican Republic, are processed. The recipes for tobacco blends have been preserved from then until now. The Dominican J. Cortes little cigars embody a balanced composition of tobaccos from Java, Brazil and the Dominican Republic, paired with a binder also from the Dominican Republic and wrapped in a Connecticut-Shade cover page natural sweet taste, which reveals itself fully in enjoyment. And besides, these cigars have an excellent price-quality ratio. A delight that you can experience again and again every day and that everyone can afford. The small format of Dominican J. Cortes little cigars is also impressive, with a length of 85 mm and a thickness of 7.8 mm only one Idea is bigger than a conventional cigarette. This small cigar is packed in a flat tin box of 10 pieces.
Fixed winding, even burn-off until the end. Does not dissolve even in the last centimeter.
Drag resistance OK, but smoke development could be more.
The taste offers a lot; starts light and sweet and ends strong, full and nutty. (The end could take longer 😉 It never gets bitter or hot.
Value for money is a dream! The package is big enough (10 pieces) and the tin can is stable and protects the contents successfully, even from the back pocket.
The Dominican J. Cortes little cigars are quite mild in taste and occasionally there are fruity aromas. The taste is significantly different from comparable cigars, but really interesting.