As a cigar enthusiast, I have always been intrigued by the world of cigars. The distinct aroma, rich flavors, and impeccable craftsmanship never fail to captivate me. However, amidst the vast variety of cigars, there is a smaller and often overlooked category – little cigars. These miniature versions of traditional cigars may be small in size, but they are big on taste and flavor. In this article, I will dive into the world of little cigars and share everything you need to know about these little gems.
What are little cigars?
Little cigars, also known as cigarillos or cheroots, are small cigars that typically measure around 3-4 inches in length and have a ring gauge of 20-26 (compared to traditional cigars that are around 6-7 inches with a ring gauge of 42-60). They are made with the same ingredients as regular cigars, including tobacco leaves and a tobacco wrapper. However, their smaller size and different production process give them a unique flavor and smoking experience.
Little cigars originated in Europe in the mid-1800s and were popularized by the French company, Swisher International. Today, they are widely available around the world and come in a variety of flavors and styles. While traditional cigars are often rolled by hand, little cigars are typically made by machines, allowing for a faster production process and a more consistent quality.
What makes little cigars different from traditional cigars?
Apart from their size, little cigars differ from traditional cigars in a few key aspects. One of the biggest differences is the type of tobacco used. Traditional cigars are made with whole leaf tobacco, while little cigars use a blend of chopped tobacco. This results in a different flavor and less complex smoke compared to traditional cigars.
Another difference is the filler used in little cigars. Traditional cigars often use a blend of long-filler leaves, which are whole tobacco leaves folded or bunched together. Little cigars, on the other hand, mostly use short-filler, which are chopped tobacco leaves that are rolled together. This also contributes to the difference in flavor and strength between these two types of cigars.
Little cigars also tend to have a shorter smoking time compared to traditional cigars. While a traditional cigar can take anywhere from 45 minutes to over an hour to smoke, a little cigar can be smoked in 10-15 minutes. This makes them a convenient option for those who want to enjoy a quick smoke break or have limited time.
Different types of little cigars
Just like traditional cigars, little cigars come in a variety of types, flavors, and styles. Here are some of the most common types of little cigars available in the market:
1. Flavored little cigars
One of the biggest appeals of little cigars is their wide range of flavors. From sweet and fruity to bold and earthy, there is a flavor for every taste preference. Some popular flavored little cigars include vanilla, cherry, chocolate, peach, and menthol. These flavors are often added to the tobacco leaves during the curing process, resulting in a unique and delicious smoking experience.
2. Filtered little cigars
Unlike traditional cigars that have an open end, many little cigars come with a filter. This filter prevents small tobacco bits from entering your mouth and also adds a smoother experience to the smoke. Filtered little cigars are perfect for those who prefer a milder taste or are new to cigar smoking.
3. Wrapped little cigars
Some little cigars come with a wrapping, which is a thin layer of paper or tobacco that covers the entire cigar. This wrapping can enhance the flavor of the cigar and also make it easier to hold and smoke. Wrapped little cigars are ideal for those who don’t want to get their hands sticky or dirty while smoking.
4. Non-flavored little cigars
While little cigars are known for their unique flavors, there are also non-flavored ones available for those who prefer a more traditional smoking experience. These little cigars are made with the same natural tobacco leaves as traditional cigars, giving smokers a taste of the real thing in a smaller size.
How to properly smoke a little cigar
Smoking a little cigar is a different experience compared to traditional cigars, and it’s important to know the correct way to smoke them to fully enjoy their flavors. Here are some tips for properly smoking a little cigar:
1. Cut it properly
Cutting a little cigar is not the same as a traditional cigar. Since little cigars are much smaller, you don’t need a specialized cutter. You can use a cigar cutter, a sharp knife, or even your teeth to make a straight cut across the head (closed end) of the cigar.
2. Light it carefully
Lighting a little cigar is similar to lighting a traditional cigar. Use a match or a butane lighter to ignite the end of the cigar while rotating it to ensure an even burn. However, make sure to not hold the cigar directly in the flame, as this can cause the cigar to become too hot and affect the flavor.
3. Inhale slowly
Unlike cigarettes, little cigars are not meant to be inhaled. Take slow puffs and let the smoke linger in your mouth before gently blowing it out. This will allow you to fully taste and enjoy the flavors of the cigar.
4. Smoke it until the end
Unlike traditional cigars that can be smoked partially and then stored for later, little cigars are meant to be smoked entirely in one sitting. The flavors and aromas change as you smoke, and to fully appreciate them, it’s important to smoke the entire cigar.
In conclusion, little cigars may be small in size, but they pack a big punch in terms of flavor and smoking experience. Whether you are a seasoned cigar smoker or curious to try something new, little cigars are a great option to shake up your cigar game. From their unique flavors to their convenient size, there is a little cigar for every taste. So go ahead, grab a little cigar and enjoy a small but mighty smoking experience.