A new word in the stogie business with E.P. CARRILLO ENCORE MAJESTIC little cigars | Best Mini Cigars

It is difficult to discuss the E.P. CARRILLO ENCORE MAJESTIC little cigars without referencing the individual who made them. Ernesto Perez-Carrillo is a stogie maker who has experienced numerous phases in the stogie business, a man who has begun without any preparation a few times in his long profession.

He began as a worker in his dad’s little stogie business in Miami. It was called El Credito Cigar Co. what’s more, delivered a few hundred thousand stogies every year for local people in Little Havana. At that point, in 1976, when his dad was going to sell the business, Ernesto disclosed to him that he was committing an error. The deal has been dropped. His dad kicked the bucket in 1980, and Perez-Carrillo assumed control over the administration of the organization.

Since opening its own manufacturing plant in the Dominican Republic, Perez Carrillo has delivered countless brands, some of which are more effective than others, however not one of them has been as splendid as E.P. CARRILLO ENCORE MAJESTIC little cigars.

He worked with Nicaraguan departs for quite a while, however the E.P. CARRILLO ENCORE MAJESTIC little cigars were the first occasion when he made a stogie only from Nicaraguan tobaccos. Insightful retailers may review that he originally reported Encore at the IPCPR expo in 2016, yet Perez-Carrillo concluded that the stogie was not exactly prepared, so while proceeding to work, he chose to put the stogie on hold and give it more opportunity for maturing, very nearly two years. Just in March a year ago did he feel that the E.P. CARRILLO ENCORE MAJESTIC little cigars were at last prepared and his choice paid off.

The flavors of these E.P. CARRILLO ENCORE MAJESTIC little cigars run from oak and tea to caramel desserts with sharp citrus notes. Exquisite and complex, these E.P. CARRILLO ENCORE MAJESTIC little cigars are additionally the summit of a long vocation in the stogie business and the aftereffect of a man who was never hesitant to follow his impulses and figured out how to make the E.P. CARRILLO ENCORE MAJESTIC little cigars brand.