The most popular and best-selling brand of machine cigars in Germany, was first introduced to the market in 1972.
Clubmaster little cigars have a mild flavor consisting of tobacco and flavored ingredients. These mini cigars are made from natural Brazilian and Sumatran tobacco at a factory in Germany. If you are looking for inexpensive, but high-quality cigarillos, Clubmaster little cigars are what you need.
Clubmaster little cigars are German cigarillos, known worldwide for their high quality tobacco, original recipes, varied and harmonious taste, affordable price. The Clubmaster little cigars production in Germany has a long tradition, has been developing for several centuries, and the reputation of the manufacturer – the company” Arnold André GmbH & Co “in the international tobacco market is high.” Clubmaster little cigars are a reputable European brand. The family-owned tobacco manufacturing company” Arnold André “is more than 200 years old. It is one of the market leaders. and Germany’s cigars and cigarillos. In 1988, it became part of the Dutch EBAS Group, today known as the Swedish Match. The first tobacco factory was opened back in 1817, production flourished in the 50s of the 20th century, when Entrepreneurial Arnold Andre came to manage the business and Clubmaster was officially registered in 1973, which later became one of the company’s main export brands. In 2004, its miniature version, Mini Filter, was launched on the market. Today it is the popular Clubmaster little cigars series. Currently, Arnold André continues to produce a huge variety of tobacco products, but Clubmaster little cigars continue to be one of the key brands of the company due to the great demand among consumers in more than 80 countries.
Clubmaster Cigarillo is a novelty among the popular Clubmaster little cigars. With a length of 86 mm, the diameter is only 7.4 mm. The pleasure of smoking is only enough for a maximum of 5 to 10 minutes, but small breaks are sufficiently filled with a soft, sharp, vanilla note and even burnout. In the package, there are 20 pieces.