Groundbreaking ideas of Muriel Sweets little cigars | Best Mini Cigars

Muriel Sweets little cigars are among the best selling items. These cigars are factory wrapped and come in different sizes and shapes for every smoker. Muriel Sweets little cigars were admired by Edie Adams who was a famous American comedienne, actress, singer and businesswoman. She was a Tony Award winner and Emmy Award nominee.
Adams did a long-running series of television commercials for Muriel Sweets little cigars. She remained the pitch lady for Muriel Sweets little cigars, intoned in a Mae West style and sexy outfit, “Why don’t you take it off and smoke it someday?” Adams became a millionaire in 1989 because of her 20 years of advertising for Muriel Sweets little cigars (retired in 1976) and her successful business ventures.

Owing to this promotion, Muriel Sweets little cigars are a luxury product that can look back on a long tradition. Then as now, a good cigar embodies a certain attitude towards life, a piece of luxury, devotion to taste and is enjoyed on special occasions and in good company. Buying Muriel Sweets little cigars online from our web store is like taking a pleasure trip through the best tobacco growing regions in the world. In our online shop, you can buy and order Muriel Sweets little cigars online at the most advantageous prices. Do you love exclusive premium cigars? With us you are guaranteed to find what you are looking for! And if your favorite brand is not yet available in our online tobacco shop, let us know and we will look for it immediately. Other cigar lovers are sure to be happy about a new, perhaps even less well-known brand that is worth trying.

But cigars are much more than that. Groundbreaking ideas and visions arose in their smoke; it was discussed and philosophized, decisions about war and peace were made and history was written. That is why you also embody a piece of cultural history. Just think of Sir Winston Churchill or Ludwig Erhard, the second Federal Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, whose cigar became an emblem for the German economic miracle. Or Sigmund Freud, who described smoking as “one of the greatest pleasures in his life”. We want to pass this passion on when you buy online from our online store.