Montecristo little cigars with a natural cover sheet | Best Mini Cigars

The Montecristo little cigars appeared in 1934 as one of the varieties of cigars H. Upmann, but was subsequently singled out as a separate brand. And not in vain – today Montecristo little cigars are ready to argue with their ancestor for the title of the most famous brand. Quite strong cigarillos in the typical Cuban style – spicy, with pronounced animal tones.

Excellent strong Cuban Montecristo little cigars twisted from high-quality tobacco leaves. Montecristo little cigars show a natural, slightly pungent aroma with a woody tint and a rich nutty taste with a slight acidity.

Montecristo little cigars deserve their big name. The premium Cuban brand is known and appreciated throughout the world, so any of its products is synonymous with impeccable taste and excellent quality. The thing is in elite tobacco, which is used as a raw material not only for cigars, but also for their younger sisters. Leaves are grown on the best lands in the Vuelta Abajo region, so even machine products exude original aroma and taste, which are the hallmark of the brand. The Montecristo little cigars brand was founded by the Spaniard Alonso Menendez. In the early 40s of the XX century, he acquired a large cigar factory “Particulares” and began to produce cigars and cigarillos under its own brand. The Count of Monte Cristo enjoyed sympathy among cigar-twists, specially hired people – readers recited a popular French novel to factory workers, and Menendez decided to name the brand in honor of the rebellious fighter for justice.

Keeping pace with the times, the state-owned company “Habanos S.A.” decided to produce premium cigarillos for wider layers of customers. They are ideal for daily smoking, on average, the tasting takes 10-15 minutes, but at the same time the consumer receives high-quality products, which characteristics are as close as possible to the real “port”. The main flavors of Montecristo little cigars are wood, spicy, leather with notes of dried fruit, cocoa and coffee. There are several varieties of cigarillos: classic, with a taste characteristic of the brand, and original flavored varieties (vanilla, cherry, coffee). The classic version is represented by three convenient formats: Mini, Club and Puritos.